Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM   |  Saturday: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM   |  Sunday: Closed

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If the screen of your Samsung Galaxy S4 broke (oh no!) don’t worry, because there are ways to fix it. You do not have to go out and buy a new smartphone. You don’t have to assume that you are going to have to shell out a bunch of cash, taking away money from other purchases you want to make or things that you want to do...


It can be a challenge to make a decision when it comes to buying a new smartphone. Many people jump up and run to the store the second a new one is released, but others hold on to the device that they took the time to get used to...


As the iPhone 6 has come out, one of the most common questions is, “Is the iPhone 6 Plus worth the extra money?” Both phones are great and will work for nearly everyone but the iPhone 6 Plus does have some key advantages...
