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Today’s colleges and universities are hyper focused on preparing students for the digital age. In every student’s college toolbox is a computer and a smartphone, the leading smartphone being the Apple iPhone...


With each new device you purchase you’ll find that it always comes with its own specific charger. It may even resemble a charger you already own for other devices. Maybe you’ve lost the original charger and are needing a replacement...


If you’re one of the many that bought the iPhone 5 at its launch in September 2012 you may find that your phone suffers from intermittent battery issues. In fact, if you bought the phone anywhere between the first launch date and January 2013 you may be one of the few with a faulty battery...


Key Similarities and Differences The iPhone 6 is an absolutely fantastic smartphone. The Samsung S5 is also a force to be reckoned with. If you have the option to buy either one, then you should know how similar the two actually are before making your decision...


How to Retain the Battery The iPhone 6 Plus has a battery life that claims to offer up to 80 hours of audio, 12 hours of WiFi browsing, and up to 14 hours of video streaming time. Likely, you’ll be able to charge your phone in between doing all of these things, but for those who frequently forget to put their smartphone on a charger, they will appreciate that the 6 Plus has a killer battery life...


What are the real differences? Major sources such as the New York Times have covered smart devices and their similarities and differences, specifically, the iPad mini and iPad Air, because the debate just goes on and on...
